
Thanks in large part to my friend Tate James over at The Apache House, I've recently become quite interested in where people do their work. It combines a lot of different things I'm interested in, most notably tech and how people use it.

So with that in mind, here is how my workspace currently looks:

Notice the extreme nerdery. Instead of having a regular desk, I just use my coffee table and am always able to sit on my couch. The lap desk that my Macbook sits on makes this easy and comfortable. I do everything from basic internetting and email, social networking, and school work, to working on my stand up comedy and recording my weekly podcast CB Radio here. It should be appearing over at The Apache House in the near future as well.

If this kind of thing interests you, it's probably worth your time to head over to Lifehacker. They have some pretty awesome featured workspaces, including ones from celebrities, as well as really useful and interesting workspace tips.