ETS Episode Fifteen - Shane Parks

We welcome comedian and creator of the upcoming sketch comedy show ‘The Scene,’ Shane Parks.

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Vote for my friends!

The Oklahoma Gazette
is currently running their annual Best of OKC Awards, and a few of my friends were lucky enough (and deserving enough) to be nominated. The dudes at 796 Entertainment were nominated three times: Monday's Don't Suck at the Speakeasy (where I frequently perform) for Best Cheap Entertainment, for Best Blog, and Spencer Hicks for Best Visual Artist (despite not being a visual artist). Vote for those dudes. My friends with Dance Robots Dance also got nominated for their blog RobotDanceMusic.

Just go to and fill out at least half of the 52 categories by picking one of the five nominations in each category.

ETS Episode Fourteen - Leah Kayajanian

Another episode I should have put up a while ago, it's the much talked about Leah Kayajanian.

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For some reason this one got cut off at about the halfway point, but it's probably for the best. I can't imagine anyone watching past the four minute mark anyway.

MDS Vlog Number Four from Cameron Buchholtz on Vimeo.

No, sadly not mine. But in the last week two really fantastic albums have been released by two incredibly hilarious comedians.

The first is Todd Glass's Thin Pig.

You should download it, because you definitely don't want to get on Todd Glass' bad side:

The second is Soak Up The Night by Matt Braunger.

Both of these comedians are hugely influential to me, and I can't recommend these albums enough. Both are digital releases by Comedy Central Records, and Braunger's album will also be available on vinyl.
I’m so lazy, this should have been put up weeks ago.

Oh well, BradChad is one of the funniest people I’ve ever met, and hopefully that comes across in this episode.

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